
These are the core features of ASE:

  • Provides dynamic 1553 bus traffic generated from a flight simulator
  • Supports these flight simulators:
    • X-Plane™ versions 9 and 10
    • MS Flight Simulator™ versions 2004 and X
    • Lockheed Prepar3D™
  • User predefines simulated messages in reusable bus files with Avionics Network Designer
  • Maps flight simulator variables to 1553 data words
  • Integrates with 1553 multi-function cards from these vendors:
    • Altadt®
    • Data Device Corporation (DDC)®
    • Excalibur®
  • Monitors 1553 bus data and flight simulator variables
  • Can emulate any 1553 Remote Terminal (RT) on the bus to drive 1553 traffic
  • Supports sensor-specific messages (offset latitude, longitude, altitude, azimuth, elevation)
  • Supports manipulation of individual word bits
  • Records 1553 message traffic

Below is a diagram (click for full-size) of a notional test setup using ASE. Here are the key points illustrated by the diagram:

  • The unit under test is a 1553 network host: an avionics device connected to a MIL-STD-1553 data bus.
  • Before testing begins, the software engineer uses ASE’s Avionics Network Designer to define network messages of all 1553 network hosts that are relevant to the test scenario.
  • ASE provides simulated data traffic to the unit under test, and receives traffic from it. The software engineer manipulates network messages from the console (e.g., creates stimuli to the unit under test) and monitors network traffic (e.g., responses from the unit under test).
  • ASE’s integrated flight simulator lets the software engineer “fly the aircraft” in accordance with test requirements. ASE extracts dynamic flight and environmental data from the flight simulator and generates 1553 bus traffic as defined by the loaded bus file. For example, simulated INS or GPS device messages could be loaded with position and velocity values.
  • In summary, ASE creates a rich, controllable, observable test environment the software engineer needs for a variety of test cases and conditions.

Notional test setup using ASE